August Events
August is shaping up to be one hell of a month, with readings at both Edinburgh Book Festival and Green Man, but first I'll be running a couple of workshops, reading some poems and getting involved in an In Conversation type affair with Jeb Loy Nichols at the inaugural Caught by the River Teifi festival at Fforest Farm, Wales. Everything Jeb's been involved with has been pretty great, but Lover's Knot was a real formative album for me, and of course he originated that whole country-soul re-appraisal business with those Country Got Soul albums a few years back. None of which have been bettered, despite being much imitated. Anyway, details of all of these events on the events page, or below, do come and say hello...
Bus Stops, Cul-de-Sacs and Rutted Tracks, at Edinburgh Book Festival